In this section you will find all "normal" CD reviews that are not on the general encyclopedia pages.


23Fish "Unforgiven Machine" (2010)


Kees Aerts "Slices of Time" (1997)
Kees Aerts "If One Door Closes Another Door Opens" (2008)
Kees Aerts "If One Door Closes Another Door Opens" (bonus) (2008)

Andreas Akwara
"Solar Eclipse" (2002)
Andreas Akwara "Blue Velvet" (2009)
Andreas Akwara "Quantum" (2009)

Andreas Akwara "Erwachet" (2010)

Andreas Akwara "Reinheit" (2010)
Alio Die & Parallel Worlds "Circo Divino" (2010)
Alpha III "Andromeda Live 2006" (2006)
Alpha III & Posthuman Tantra "Gothik Kama Sutra" (2008)
Alpha III "The Dusk of Universe" (2008)

The Amnis Initiative "Distant Dreams" (2010)
Edward Artemiev "A Book of Impressions" (2000)
Dwight Ashley "Four" (2004)
Dwight Ashley & Tim Story "Standing + Falling" (2005)
Dwight Ashley "Ataxia" (2006)
Ashley / Roedelius / Story "Errata" (2008)
"Dreamlight (2006)

Bruce Atchison "Lagomorph" (1998)


Stephen Bacchus "The Keep" (2010)
Maurizio Bianchi & Atrax Morgue "M. Plus T." (2008)
"Afterpost" (2001)

BIOnighT "Daybreak" (2002)
BIOnighT "Back To Orion" (2007)

Ian Boddy & Parallel Worlds "Exit Strategy" (2011)
Ron Boots "Acoustic Shadows" (2006)
Ron Boots "See Beyond Times, Look Beyond Words" (2008)
Ron Boots "Mea Culpa" (2008)
Ron Boots, Frank Dorittke, Harold van der Heijden "Derby!" (2009)

Ron Boots & "Refuge en Verre" (2010)
Mark Bradley "Cathedral Sound Ritual" (2011)
Mark Bradley "A History of Silence" (2016)
Greg Breden "Stones" (2005)

Michael Brückner "Ombra" (2010)
Michael Brückner "Threequences" (2010)


Cadenced Haven "Peregrination" (2010)
Campau / McGee "Hoax" (2003)
Javi Canovas "Light Echoes" (2006)
Javi Canovas "Strange Vision" (2007)
Javi Canovas "Red Metal" (2007)

Javi Canovas "Nights of Brightness" (2008)
Javi Canovas "Eigenspaces" (2008)
Javi Canovas "In This Moment, In This Place" (2009)

Javi Canovas "Behind the Shadows" (2010)

Centrozoon "Angel Liquor" (2006)

Cobra Zeno "Now Or Never" (2016)
Computerchemist "Icon One" (2007)
Computerchemist "Landform" (2008)
Jamie Craig "Illumination (2008)

Create "From Earth To Mars" (2005)
Create "Biospherical Imagery" (2006)
Create "Kindred Spirits" (2007)
Create "Lost On An Island of Adventure" (2008)

Create "In the Blink of An Eye" (2009)

Create "We Live By the Machines" (2010)


Division Kent "Gravity (2008)
"Blue Light" (2007)

Duka "40rty" (2021)


Ebia "Wavedancer" (2008)
"Hunter of Worlds" (2009)

Paul Ellis
"The Sacred Ordinary" (2004)
Paul Ellis & Craig Padilla "Echo System" (2004)
Paul Ellis
"Silent Conversations" (2005)
Paul Ellis "The Last Hiding Place of Beauty" (2009)
Embrase "Dreamworld" (2005)
Gert Emmens & Ruud Heij "Return To the Origin" (2004)
Gert Emmens "Live - A Long Way From Home" (2004)
Gert Emmens "Waves of Dreams" (2004)
Gert Emmens "When Darkness Falls Upon the Earth" (2005)
Gert Emmens & Ruud Heij "Blind Watchers of A Vanishing Night" (2005)
Gert Emmens "The Tale of the Warlock" (2006)
Gert Emmens "A Boy's World" (2007)
Gert Emmens & Ruud Heij "Journey" (2007)

Gert Emmens "The Nearest Faraway Place Vol.1" (2008)
Gert Emmens & Ruud Heij "Silent Witnesses of Industrial Landscapes" (2008)
Gert Emmens "The Nearest Faraway Place Vol.2" (2009)

Gert Emmens "The Nearest Faraway Place Vol.3" (2010)
Gert Emmens "Metamorphosis" (2010)
Gert Emmens "An Artist's Stroke" (2012)
Gert Emmens "The Last Alien" (2016)
Epiphany "MindScapes" (2001)

Epiphany "Sonica" (2010)

Eric G "Conclusion" (1978 - 1996)
Eric G "Illusions" (2010)

Eric G "Visions" (2011)

Etherfysh "Yule Tide 2" (2003)


Eloy Fritsch "The Garden of Emotions" (2009)


Frank Gingeleit "Nightmares & Escapades" (2002)
Frank Gingeleit "Megalopolis" (2003)
Frank Gingeleit "Toy Island" (2003)
Frank Gingeleit "Lost In the Deep Blue" (2003)
David Girard "Hydrosphere" (2003)
David Girard "VertBeat" (2004)
Gliese 614 "Serenity" (2010)
Goff / McGee "Verve of the Void" (2003)


Hagen Von Bergen "Ei Allemol" (2014)
Sven Hansen "Timeframe" (2004)
Sven Hansen "Atlantiz" (2005)
Hashtronaut "Bottle Universe" (2006)
Heilige! "Riverside" (2020)
Human Metronome "The Child Set Free" (2010)


If, Bwana "Radio Slaves" (2007)
Stephen Iliffe
"Painting With Sound: The Life And Music of Hans-Joachim Roedelius" (book)


Gustavo Jobim "Symphony No.1" (2005)
Gustavo Jobim "Marchian Sketches" EP (2006)
Gustavo Jobim "The Art of Boredom" (2007)
Gustavo Jobim and friends "Belles Alliances" (2008)

Gustavo Jobim "Trapped In A Day Job" (2011)
Gustavo Jobim "In Search of Berlin" (2011)
Gustavo Jobim & Ian Land "Prespectives" (2012)

Gustavo Jobim "Nocturnes" (2012)
Gustavo Jobim "Connection - Tribute to Conrad Schnitzler" (2013)

Gustavo Jobim "Manifesto" (2013)

Gustavo Jobim "Inverno" (2014)


Jim Kirkwood "Voices From the Edge of Night" (2004)
Jim Kirkwood "Foxhalt Edge" (2005)
Jim Kirkwood "Canterbury Black" (2007)

Andrey Klimkovsky
"From Dusk Till Dawn" (1997)

Andrey Klimkovsky "On the Edge of Dream" (2001)

Andrey Klimkovsky "Mercury" (2004)

Andrey Klimkovsky "Pillars of Creation" (2021)
Kracq "Circumvision" (1978)


Löis Lancaster "20busK" (2004)
Les Libriums du Desir "Nut System" (2007)
Luciftias "Soundscapes For Headphones" (2008)


Martha Rabbit "Pyrrhogaster" (2008)
Martha Rabbit "Zodiaklicht" (2015)
Ken Martin
"Beyond Ultraviolet" (2004)

Hal McGee
"My Brain" (2003)

Megatone "Pure Land" (2008)

Memory Geist "Benthos" (2011)
Guido Meyer "Towards the Blue Horizon" (2004)
Guido Meyer "Lightyears" (2005)
Guido Meyer "Installations" (1996)
Guido Meyer "Cyscoop" (2006) (EP)
Guido Meyer "Connected To the Dead" (2007)
Guido Meyer "The Glassforest" (2008)
Guido Meyer "Durathon" (2010)

Modulator ESP "Random Fluctuations" (2001)
Modulator ESP "Time Zero (2006)
Modulator ESP "Zeta Reticuli" (2007)

MorPheuSz "Days of Delirium & Nocturnal Nightmares" (2010)
Mythos "Surround Sound Offensive" (2008)

Mythos "Gallery Concerts" (2009)
Mythos "Superkraut Live" (2011, recorded in 1976)


Nattefrost "De Som Sejrede" (2004)
Nattefrost "Transformation" (2008)

Nattefrost "Live In Germany" (2009)
Nattefrost "Dying Sun / Scarlet Moon" (2010)
Nemesis "Stereofields Forever" (2007)
Node "Node 2" (2014)
Noring / McGee
"Blue Planet" (2002)



Craig Padilla & Skip Murphy "Analog Destination" (2008)
Parallel Worlds
"Obsessive Surrealism" (2007)
Parallel Worlds "Shade" (2009)

Parallel Worlds & Dave Bessell "Morphogenic" (2012)

Parallel Worlds & Dave Bessell "Dystopia" (2018)
Parallel Worlds "Tonal Paintings" (2018)
Phinney / McGee
"Antenna Club" (2003)
Phrozenlight "Phasewind" (2007)
Picture Palace Music "Midsummer" (2010)
Brendan Pollard "Flux Echoes" (2007)
Post Scriptvm "Grey Eminence" (2010)
Purfoze "Songs of the Earth" (1984)



The Redundant Rocker "Heart" (2009)
Remy "Exhibition of Dreams" (1999)
"Sense" (2006)
Remy "EoD" (2009)
Retreat Syndrome
"Limit of Separation" (2001)

Rhea "The True Color of Titan's Lakes" (2008)

Janet Robbins "Carrying the Bag of Hearts, Interpreting the Birth of Stars Vol. II" (2005)

Frank Roozdant "Mix the Signals" (2005)


Samarkande "4 cadavres exquis" (2002)
Samarkande "Rude Awakening" (2004)
Samarkande "Douglas' Basement" (2006)
Samarkande / Oblivion Ensemble (2007)
Samarkande "3 Synapses" (2008)
Samarkande "Ordo ab chao" (2015)
Randolf Scand "Renaissance XXI" (2017)

Klaus Schulze
"Irrlicht" (1972)

Klaus Schulze "Picture Music" (1973)
Klaus Schulze "Blackdance" (1974)
Klaus Schulze "Body Love" (1977)
Klaus Schulze "Miditerranean Pads" (1990)
Klaus Schulze "Das Wagner Desaster" (1994)
Klaus Schulze "Historic Edition" (1995)
Klaus Schulze "Dosburg Online" (1997)
Son of Ohm "Zeitgeist" (2019)
Sunyata "A New Beginning" (2005) "AtmoSphere" (2008) "OceanoGraphy" (2009)


T-30 Control "Hollow Earth" (2006)
Tangerine Dream
"The Keep Special Edition" (1983)

Tangerine Dream "Mars Polaris" (1999)
Ian Tescee "Continua" (1989)
Ian Tescee "Breathwork" (1992)
Ian Tescee "A Traveler's Guide To Mars" (2008)
Tranzit "Voyage" (1997)
Tranzit "Tranz-Rapid" (2002)
The Truth About Frank "14 Versions of the Same EP Volume 11 (2009)

The Tunnel Singer "Water Birth" (1999)
tvs.2 (2002)



Frank Van Bogaert "Human" (2002)
Frank Van Bogaert "Closer" (2004)
Frank Van Bogaert "One Out of Five" (2006)
Frank Van Bogaert "Nomads" (2007)
Various Artists "Analogy" (2005)
Various Artists "Analogy Vol. 2" (2006)
Various Artists "Analogy Vol. 3" (2007)
Various Artists "Collection 2: Moving" (2003)

Various Artists "Suilven - TheFirstTen" (2005)
Various Artists "AKH Records" (2006)
Various Artists "Analogy Vol. 2" (2006)

Various Artists "Joint Efforts - The Album" (2010)
Various Artists "E-Day 2009" (2009)
Various Artists "E-Day 2010" (2010)


Terje Winther "Electronic Regions" (2009)
"Electric Fairytales" (2008)

Rene van der Wouden
"Alchemia" (2006)
Rene van der Wouden "Universal Quiet" (2008)
Rene van der Wouden "Sequential Tourism" (2008)

Rene van der Wouden "Numerus Fixus" (2009)




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